Sunday, February 21, 2010

Spoiled/ Incapable of Doing Anything on My Own

Most people in Dubai are extremely spoiled. This is because there’s so much money, the culture, and because you are not really expected to do a lot of things on your own. I live with my grandparents, and they have a cook and a driver, and someone who comes to clean the apartment once a week. Every day my lunch is packed for me for when I go to work, and now that my grandparents are gone, I have the driver to myself. Normally he works from about 9-8, but I’ve almost reversed his schedule. He drops me off at work at 930, and then goes home. He picks me up at 6, and then I usually use him from around 6pm to 11pm, for when I go out at night. Drivers here also run all your errands for you. If you need a prescription to be picked up, anything to be dropped off, etc. you just tell the driver. And drivers here know everything, way more than most people about Dubai. A good example of this is everything that I’ve had to do for my visa. To get a residency visa, I had to prove a graduated from U of C, and since I only brought a copy of my diploma, this was a long process. I had to get a visa service in the states to get a copy of my original diploma, get a copy notarized, then stamped by the DC local government, then taken to the state department to get stamped, then to the UAE embassy in DC, then sent here, then stamped by the ministry of foreign affairs. Once that was done, my company got all the paperwork filled out. Then I had to get a health check, basically TB, HIV, and HEP A/B. I had no idea how to do this, but of course my driver did. He basically took me to a health center and I just stood there while he got all the correct authorizations and I just had to give my blood. Then he went back 3 days later to get the results. To get my license, I have to get an eye test, and of course, my driver knows exactly where to go and how to get everything done. Also, most of the people that work at the government agencies are Indian, so he just runs around, speaks to them in Hindi or his local dialect, and I just stand there until he tells me to do something else. I literally could not have done any of this on my own, and even my cousins told me to ask my driver to do everything for me. So obviously I am extremely spoiled here, but half the things I would normally do, I literally couldn’t. I don’t even know where half the things in my own kitchen are. Even for dry-cleaning, someone comes to my apartment to pick up the clothes and drop them off. This week, the cable stopped working for some reason, so of course, I asked the driver, and he knew exactly what to do. So it’s been awesome being so spoiled, but also frustrating that some things I literally cannot do on my own, and I have to ask others to do them for me, which is a very weird experience. But all in all, I’ll take it!

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    Nice post! I live in Canada and get emails through my blog from many people in Dubai wanting to immigrate to Canada. I also know many people from Dubai here, and the general impression that others have is exactly what you said, People from Dubai are spoiled. After reading your article I kind of know why.

    Many Ladies especially hate living in Canada because they have to do everything themselves. Some families have even gone back to the Middle East.

    My blog:
